Do you have an eTOC (Table of Contents) Service?

Can I receive an email alert each time a new issue of my favorite journal is published?


The library offers a service which sends new journal alerts that include the table of contents, or eTOCs. You can sign up to be sent a notice for each new issue for any journal of interest to you. Upon viewing the newly published articles in your email, you can follow the links to access full-text articles, or if full text is not available, simply reply to the email and let the library know which articles you would like to read.

Sign up for a new journal issue alert and let the library know which journal titles you are interested in receiving. If we don’t already subscribe to your favorite title, we’ll find out how to get it for you. Click here for more information about the eTOC service and to see a list of titles currently available.


  • Last Updated Sep 03, 2019
  • Views 73
  • Answered By Amy C

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